A blog about things that interest me, politics, news, media, architecture, development, environment, local history, secularism, web, dublin ireland, tara

Contact me at expectationlost@gmail.com

Monday 28 January 2008

Yahoo Pipes GeoNews Ireland

testing to see if I can embed a geoannotated news rss feed into my blog Irish Examiner breakingnews Yahoo Geopipe feck yahoo pipes doesnt offer embedding(although I could put it in an frame), I'll should just try georss and yahoo map api, hmm need a server access for that, sure everybody outputs the result to googlem maps anyway.

Back to google maps thanks to nearby.org.uk


okay so got that working its pretty simple but making it usable for an Irish website its what I want to do, so I can put it in the corner and a small list of ths stories below from the same rss feed and be able to click those links with a # tag and have a small icon where you can some down to street level which would make it useful for local blogs.Anyone know how to do that?

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